About Dustin X. Davis |
My most recent job title at Gearbox Software is Production Analyst; this means in addition to line production work in project development, I've also often worked at the macro studio level, organizing multiple projects, software and staff.
I've learned that my variety of game production comes from speaking the languages. Not just the language of producers, with our project lifecycles, usability tests, and post-mortems. It's a matter of the ability to talk algorithms with the programmer, color balance with the artist, and critical paths with the designer. |
Through the Master's program in Game Development from the Guildhall at SMU, my capstone team game got some notice. Kraven Manor is now available on Steam.
In my free time, I experiment with producing board games.
I was a production analyst at Gearbox during the development of Battleborn, Duke Nukem World Tour, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, and multiple unnanounced projects.
My education includes a Bachelor's in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Advertising from University of Texas in Austin.